Thanks for your reply!
here in the UK I have never come across any JW that would not go to the police for a witnessed murder.
I am very happy to hear that. As I have stated elsewhere in this thread, I hope it's a misunderstanding on part of the JW couple I'm engaged with, but I kind-of find it difficult to believe as they've been member for so long. I hope, anyway!
I've pointed out some glaringly false prophecies, like the world ending (Armageddon) several times (it didn't, you may have noticed!), the Watchtower's involvement with the UN, the "generation of 1914", and a few other things (I'll be posting more about this later). The answer I always get is: "Yes, human beings have made mistakes, but Jehovah doesn't. The Truth is being revealed to us all the time, little by little, like a light shining brighter day by day".
I would have reported a murder to the police, even as indoctrinated JW. [...] But I would also have reported child abuse also, so maybe I am not an average JW.
That is definitely good to hear, Lisa. I am happy to learn that not reporting a murder is "standard", even though that is what I was told by this specific couple. The reasoning I was given was that the murderer should follow his own conscience, but that the congregation (or rather the elders, I suppose), would encourage the person to turn himself in. But they would not report him if he chose not to do it himself, is what I was told.
Yes, I can imagine that protecting "Jehovah's earthly organization" would count heavily. I see in many of our conversations that it is important to them to present the organization as "clean and pure".
I watched/listened to the enitre eight-day debacle in Australia, and figured there would be some changes made with regard to reporting child abuse. Very sad that only mandatory (by the law) reporting is encouraged! And the two-witness rule is - obviously - ridiculous in cases of child sexual abuse. Who in their right mind would sexually assault a child with two witnesses wathing?!?